I am proud to be one of the studio artists at the Kansas City Artists Coalition. The Kansas City Artists Coalition (KCAC or Artists Coalition) is an artist-centered, artist-run alternative space that presents a variety of exhibitions of contemporary artists’ work in its Main Gallery and the Snap Space Gallery.
However, during the current pandemic, we are not allowed to work in our studios. I have produced a few pieces, like the one above, Spring in the Time of Covid, but working from home is not an organic endeavor for me.
KCAC is well-known for their support of Kansas City area artists and that support extends to the studio artists. This week they have announced a fund-raiser to help fund studio space that, due to the pandemic, we are unable to use.
” #GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
KCAC has decided to dedicate this day of fundraising to our beloved studio tenants. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to off set the financial burden of studio rent for up to 4 months for ALL of our tenants.
Right now is a time that you can directly help support the creative careers of local artists. Please consider making a donation to help artists continue to create during this difficult time.
You can donate to the studio fund TODAY by visiting this link: Studio Fundraiser ”
I know that everyone is suffering through this historic period. I also know that we are all being asked, as we are able, to help out many worthy causes. If you would like to help support this fund-raiser it would be much appreciated.