When I woke up this morning I had no idea how badly I would be triggered today. It’s Thanksgiving and while we no longer celebrate the way we used to, I enjoy the holiday and the friends and family I get to spend time with. I went to bed last night looking forward to it.… read more
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Good-bye Summer
I am not outside as much as I used to be when I was training for summer endurance events, but I am still a lover of the warmer weather. I feel more relaxed and at ease when the sun is shining and the warmth envelops me like a comforting blanket. I prefer the warmth of… read more
Change, Change, Change
The one thing in life that you can always depend on is change. I learned years ago that, for myself, formulating a 5-year plan is a good way to guarantee that change is on its way. I admire those who can plan that way, I just can’t do it. After having a studio at InterUrban… read more
Earning My Daily Bread
The inevitable question when meeting someone new is “what do you do?” It is a given in our society that this question is meant to address what we do for a living. I’m not real sure how we got to the point that our work is how we define ourselves, but here we are. It’s… read more
My Auntie Advice
When I take the time to look around at the people I consider my friends, I am sometimes surprised to see the diversity in the ages of my friends. I have friends in every age range from early 20’s to early 80’s. The ones that intrigue me the most when I stop to think about… read more
My Watch Cat
My cat, Sugar became my roommate when she was found in the country, emaciated, flea-bitten, and recently injured after being hit by a car. There were scars around her neck from a collar that she had outgrown and scratched off her throat to survive. I believe as a reaction to these events in her early… read more
Creative Rejection
If you have ever been on a job hunt, then you know how it feels to put your best foot forward just to have someone either ignore it or stomp on it. If you have ever submitted a new, creative idea to your boss only to have them tell you politely, or not, that’s not… read more
Of Mice and One Scaredy-Cat Woman
“I hate those meeces to Pieces” – Jinx the cat, “Pixie and Dixie,” Hanna/Barbera, cartoon, 1958 I have no love or patience for mice. Anyone who says “they’re more afraid of you than you are of them,” has no idea what complete and utter bullshit they are speaking. I am absolutely certain that there is… read more
A Perfect Cup Of Resistance
I make a damn good pot of coffee. I use a French Press, and I buy premium coffee from World Market. My favorite flavor is Breakfast Blend, which I always mix half and half with a decaf blend. It’s a little taste of heaven every morning. I love the Breakfast Blend, but it’s harder to… read more
Seasonal Adjustment
The long, luxurious days of summer are waning. Yes, there are still hot days ahead, but the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. I don’t need a calendar for me to know that fall is coming. Every year at this time I have to really work on my self-talk. I love… read more