My sister Claire gave birth to a baby girl in March of 1975. She was born with red hair, brown eyes and personality for miles. Years before the phrase “It takes a village,” was coined, my niece Mary was our family’s community baby. Mary spent a lot of time at our mother’s house and… read more
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Family Love
I am going to try to keep politics out of a highly charged political situation. I am going to try to address families and how our country chose to separate children from their parents as they tried to enter our country. For now, I don’t really care that they were illegal aliens or if they… read more
Diamond Days
In a world filled with turmoil and strife, it’s easy to focus on the negative. I have found myself doing that with more frequency than I am comfortable admitting. I have also spent some time processing my negative emotions on my posts and in my art. Yesterday, however, was a completely different story. Yesterday was… read more
Rolling In The Glass
In the darkest hour of the night, a crash woke me and sent me scrambling from my bed, barefooted and mildly disoriented with sleep. In the dark, I ran into the kitchen, checking in there for damage. When I didn’t see anything in the kitchen, I ran into the dining room and checked there. Again,… read more
Life Lessons From A Cat
When I decided I was going to move, one of the most important things to me was to find a place with a little land. Not only did I want to be able to grow my own vegetables, I wanted the cat to be able to roam outside freely without fear of heavy traffic or… read more
Creative Changes
Five years ago I was a cog in the corporate wheel. I was miserable working for other people. Even worse were the people who brought politics and agendas into the workforce. On more than one morning I woke up and burst into tears at the thought of having to show up at my work place. I… read more
An Artist’s Tale
During the first year of my return to painting, I produced a piece that was absolutely amazing in my head, but the reality of what I painted was distinctly lacking in my opinion. The colors were interesting, but the image just didn’t look the way I wanted it to. My theory of how to deal… read more
Learning Differently
Everyone’s brain works differently and, as a result, we all learn differently. One good friend of mine has repeatedly tried to talk me into hiring a business/life coach. She just knows that if I would work with a trained coach they would share with me the same assignments she has received so much benefit from.… read more
The Great Plains
The Great Plains by Jean McGuire, Oil on Canvas, 20 x 24 inches ©2015 I have said many times before that picking a favorite painting is like picking your favorite child. Since I always used to try and sweet-talk my daughters into doing favors for me by telling them they were my favorite, this statement… read more
“Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.” – Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time I’ve told this story many times, but I decided today to tell if more completely. It’s a story of following your intuition and listening to messages. The story doesn’t have an end as… read more