When I was in grade school we had at least one recess every day. There was a large open space behind the school along with a lot of playground equipment. Back in those days, there were jungle gyms, seesaws, tether ball poles, along with a couple of huge swing sets. I now realize it was… read more
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Choose Happiness
A friend of mine passed away recently and I attended her funeral and celebration of life. It was a sad time with lots of tears, but there was also a lot of laughter as people remembered her and the mark she made on each of our lives. My friend was kind and loving, the one… read more
My Christmas Cold
I got a cold for Christmas. It wasn’t on my wish-list, but nevertheless, it was the gift I received. Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and just generally feeling like ass. I have no idea where the cold came from. During the course of an average week, I teach at 3 gyms, and 4 businesses, along with working… read more
The Re-Start Button
A year ago my landscape series, along with some other pieces, was selected to be shown at a local gallery. I received the call in January, but the show was not until November. I was actually relieved at the time because I knew that having almost a year to prepare would give me plenty of… read more
Blog Lovin’ Test
<a href=”https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/20233845/?claim=2v45ajmj53n”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> What does all of that gibberish mean you may ask? It’s the required gibberish (I’m sure there’s a more intellectual explanation) for this blog to be added to Blog Lovin’, a site where you can access all of the most current blogs being written. I was required to write… read more
The One Percent
“Only you, in the entire universe, believe that somehow you are to blame…Perhaps it’s time to let that go…” ~ The Shack by William Paul Young The last few weeks have been hard. Things have happened in my world that have left me feeling tired, stressed, and feeling like I’m the only one who can… read more
The definition of the word “they,” is: used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. “the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted” a group of people in authority regarded collectively. “they cut my water off” used to refer to a person of unspecified sex.… read more
Thanksgiving Memories
When I woke up this morning I had no idea how badly I would be triggered today. It’s Thanksgiving and while we no longer celebrate the way we used to, I enjoy the holiday and the friends and family I get to spend time with. I went to bed last night looking forward to it.… read more
Good-bye Summer
I am not outside as much as I used to be when I was training for summer endurance events, but I am still a lover of the warmer weather. I feel more relaxed and at ease when the sun is shining and the warmth envelops me like a comforting blanket. I prefer the warmth of… read more
Change, Change, Change
The one thing in life that you can always depend on is change. I learned years ago that, for myself, formulating a 5-year plan is a good way to guarantee that change is on its way. I admire those who can plan that way, I just can’t do it. After having a studio at InterUrban… read more